Sunday, September 20, 2015

Adobe InDesign Video - Blog Posting

What is the most important fact from each video that I think will help me in using InDesign?

1.What is InDesign
- InDesign is a program that allows you to create, assemble and out put documents  for whatever you need them for, print ,web or interactive designs

2.Creating a New Document
-creating a new document is less complicated then what is seems. To start a new document just press command N, or control N. Its always set to default, But first establish intent, h=what its for. The page size will automatically change the pixel values. You can create an interactive document, or a digital publishing document. There is an option for device size, which has preset options but can be customized.

3.Add Text to Frames
- Press  the T key to activate type tool. Just click and drag to define text frame. Then fill with placeholder text. Make sure a frame is not selected. Then place from file menu, select image and click open. with one click image will be brought in at 100%. Frame can be resized. This can be done by typing in the number of inches desired. The frame can be moved or the image around within the frame. Or can create a new frame.

4.Importing Text Cleanly
-There is a pre-existing primary text frame. That allows text to flow from page to page. Go to file and click Place. Hold shift and open, which will bring you into the RTF import options. Anything check will come in with the text. To place text just click within text frame. this brings in unformatted text. You can un place text with Ctrl Z.  If a font is missing it will be highlighted in origin. this will happen if that format doesn't exist on the computer.

5.Selecting and Editing Text
-Press type menu and show hidden characters and find how was placed. Double click within frame to activate insertion point. Double click within word you will select it. to select all click ctrl A. Info panel will tell you how many lines words or paragraph used. Can copy text with eye dropper tool.  Text can be dragged and dropped as well.

6.Editing Text
-Was the same video from #5

7.Working with Character Styles:
-Highlight word, and change font style, which creates a local override. More efficiently, create a charter style to reuse every time. Go to character style alt click on create new style, apply and click ok. When creating a character style, it can be used in a number of different places, headings, body ect.

8.Working with Paragraph Styles:
-Open paragraph styles panel, and dock it. You can see the basic styles applied by default. Highlight entire paragraph and show hidden characters. Change the font, change point size. Format text before creating style. 

9.Adding Pages:
-Go to workspace and make sure Typography is selected. Mostly working with defaults. Some spreads will have both left and right page. Want the bleed to be the same all the way around. Create a new page. There are more then one way to add pages, Hold down Alt and click on page icon, will bring you to insert page options. You can choose where you'd like to add a page, before or after.

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