Monday, November 16, 2015

Power point blog questions- Dali

What is the theme of your presentation and why did you select that?
I selected the art work of Salvador Dali. I always found his work very interesting and different. I learned a lot about him as a person and have come to realize he is just as weird as i would have assumed!

Did you encounter any challenges when creating this presentation? Please describe them and how you overcame them.

Surprisingly i did not encounter any problems, it was very simple and the exercise we did with the power point was very helpful.
What did you enjoy the most about this project and why? The least? and why?
I found it fun, i like making things ascetically pleasing. It is very simple and i find power point to be the easiest program we've used so far.

Do you think you will use tools like PowerPoint in your art classroom? Why or why not?
Absolutely, its a simple easy way to get points across with visuals, videos, and fun things like sounds and animations. It will definitely keep the students engaged and learning.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

week 10 the art of failure

  1. What are the similarities between the artists interviewed in this article? What are the differences?
               There were many differences between the artists in this article. One of the main differences were the career choices, there was a wide range from performers and play writers to teachers. The similarities of the people being interviewed was the fact that they all worked hard to be where they are today and they've seen many  failures along there journeys.

       2.Is there anything discussed in this article that you can relate to?

           Yes there was. I could relate to having the fear of failure in my own life experiences.

        3.Do you believe that taking risks and pushing boundaries is important to the  creative  process? Why or why not?
        Yes I absolutely believe that taking risks is important to the creative process. In a way taking risks is the creative process. Creativity is all about trying new ways of doing things and looking at things from different perspectives. If no one in the art world took risks or pushed boundaries art in general wouldn't be what it is today. We would have no movements, no surrealism, no Dadaism none of the fundamentals I've learned so much about.  I believe we should all do these things in our daily lives, because every day is a learning experience.

    4.Do you experience fear of failure? When? How do you think it has impacted you positively or negatively?
         I do experience the fear of failure very often. I am a slightly older student. It took me over six years to receive a two year associates degree from a community college. It was very hard for me, it seemed more difficult then it was for others in my age range. For a while I gave up. I told myself that it was to hard and I couldn't do it. I thought working a minimum wage job and spending all my money was all I could do with my life. It was really scary, for a while I didn't even try to get a bachelors degree because I knew I would fail and waste my time. One day I woke up and realized I had to do something with my life before it was halfway over. I got my act together, I worked really hard applying to schools,  and made an art portfolio in one month! And guess what, I didn't fail I got accepted! I did it, and now I am here today working hard to do what I want to do. I feel that it was both positive and negative. I learned a lot from this process and wouldn't be who I am today if I gave in to the fear of failure. But on the other hand, if I didn't experience the fear of failure at all I would be at this same place years ago.

       5.How do you think you can support your students as their teacher when they encounter the "fear of failure"?
         I will tell them my story. I will encourage them to work hard and overcome any type of failure that they will inevitably face at some point or another. And a teacher I will do my best to prevent fear of any kind in my classroom. I will show support and encourage a strong work ethic.

Monday, November 9, 2015

more then human blog week 7

1. What are the most interesting discoveries you made watching this video?

I found one of the most interesting things mentioned was in the beginning of the video,  that the human body that we see in works of art does not really resemble the body of a human at all.

2. What do you think about Vilayanur S. Ramachandran theory with the chicks?

Ramachandran's theory is that chicks are mesmerized by the stripe on a beak  Same goes for humans. when we see artwork that is aesthetically pleasing. There are some things that attract our eye more than other things.  I find this to be a very interesting theory, in this class is the first ive ever heard of it.

3. Do you see any connection between the art/subjects  in this video (Venus of Willendorf, the Herring gull chicks, Egyptian images of the human body, Kritian Boy) and the way the human body is portrayed today?

The connection I see between these pieces and the human body is the details. As the Egyptian images were done with great detail, almost idealistic and exaggerated. As for the kritian boy, is realistic and  shows detail in the sculpture overall. The venus of wilendorf may not be appealing but had much beauty in the meaning of fertility.

Friday, November 6, 2015

week 8 Blog posting indesign newsletter

What is the most important fact from each video that I did help me in using InDesign?
Creating a newsletter:

-InDesign doesn't force you to use a text frame if you start typing it will automatically make one for you.

Wrapping Text around Objects:

-"For the pull quote occupying the middle and right columns, wrap text on all sides and adjust the offset values to create sufficient padding all around it."

Placing Graphics:

-indesign supports graphics from different formats such as jpegs, psd, illustration files.

Part two:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week 6 blog video response

1. What do you think of the term: Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants?
I think it is a very real way to describe how different generations connect to technology

2. Where do you fit in?

Honestly I am a little bit of a mix, I am 24 years old when I was growing up household internet and cell phones where not really a thing. I remember playing with my moms beeper as a toy! in elementary school we had a dinosaur computer with dial up. Heck I didn't even have a cell phone until high school. So growing up these rhings were not used as tools for learning as they are today. I know infants that know how to use ipads more effectively then I do.

3. In regards to the Digital Divide, how do you see it impacting education?
Prensky made some very good points about using these things like smart phones and video games as tools for education. That this is how kids communicate and understand things that it should be more recognized in the education process

4. What are the most interesting concepts Prensky presents? Why?
I liked what he was saying about when teachers brought students into one conference and the students grouped together and blew him away with the ideas they had with technology.

5. Is there anything Prensky presents that you are skeptical about? What is it and why do you think so?
in a way I'm on the fence about the idea of letting kids use there smart phones in the class. I grew up with out the use of these things and I may be biased but I agree that kids shouldn't bring there phones to elementary and middle school classes. To be me it just feels like a distraction.

6. Do you think technology is important in an art clasroom? Why or Why not?
Yes it can be a helpful tool. Such as watching videos in class, powerpoints even audio to help teach.

7. How do you imagine you will (or will not)  incorporate technology in your classroom?

that is a tough question, being that I want to be an art teacher it may be a little different if I was teaching different/more subjects. I think I would use technology as an accent. use it to help teach kids about art. But who knows maybe at that point it will be mandatory.

Newsletter response

1. Do you think creating a classroom newsletter is an effective way to communicate with your audience? Why or Why Not?

Yes i do, It is a fun and organized way to communicate ideas. It can be simplified for a younger audience or more complicated for a more mature audience.

2. What did you think about the process of creating a newsletter using Adobe Creative Suite Tools?
I used a template which made it very simple, it was harder to come up with the content.

3. How did this project strengthen your digtial /new media skills?
It strengthened my skills in digital media because this was the first time i used a template. It was also good to help me sharpen my skills in indesign.